Thursday, 22 January 2015

I live far away...

I didn't even check blog or internet last month.
My daddy got really sick and have to had op, I felt really useless and not be able to help. Cannot take time off from work-only option was leave and I cannot afford that. So I was waiting for any news or what will happen. Seems like this is price for being far away from my family.
Thankfully everything is okay now and I book holiday for end of February. Cant wait to be home and see everyone.
Past one month I was thinking if its good thing I am here or should I move back. When I check pro and con I saw I wanna stay here as my life is here, I would not be happy back there. Even with my family I cannot see myself there anymore. Maybe it sound silly or weird but I do love England.

When I moved here those years ago, I never knew I would love this place so much. How I will adore this town or all those ppl who I met. I found love, friends and home. Just when is something happen back home its hard to be there.

I will manage my account better from now on. Hopefully things will get better and I will be myself soon again.

                                                 Loads of love 
                                                 Xxx Kat xxX

1 comment:

  1. I'm sorry to hear your dad has not been too well but am glad to hear that everything is ok now! It must be very difficult being away from home sometimes. I hope you have a lovely time visiting your family at the end of February!

    I have nominated you for a Liebster award over on my blog :)

    Nicola :)
