Sunday, 21 December 2014

The ME Time Tag

I do like this tag..its fun and me being way too curious its fun way how to find out more about someone :)
1. What do you like to watch or read during me-time?
I always end up on YouTube and browsing vids there, other as that I quite like Supernatural, Big bang Theory. But if I wants to relax I read book. I enjoy empty and peaceful house :) 

2. What do you wear during me-time?
I normally wear pj around the house, make up free and hair messy... looking like idiot but its comfy :)

 3. What are your favourite me-time beauty products?
None! Only thing what I using is shower gel and body lotion. Giving rest to my face and body. 

4. Current favourite nail polish?
I currently using Forever yummy from Essie. I wear red nails all year around. This color really is really pretty. 

 5. What do you eat or drink during me-time?
COFFEE! I am coffee addict, have one in the morning when I wake up and few more during the day :)

6. Current favourite candle?
That is hard!!! well I love all of them but have to be ginger bread from one unknown company. Yankee Candles are classic, cannot be without them.

 7. Do you ever have outdoor me-time?
Yes, I have dog so I cannot avoid it. Plus I do like walking. Other as shopping counts like outdoor me time?:)

8. Would you ever go and watch a film alone?
YES! Did it few times, and I cannot see anything wrong about it. End of the day when you go to cinema you don't talk with your companion anyways :)
9. Favourite online shop?
To be honest I don't like online shopping, I like to be out and check shops, stop in Starbucks, watch people ( I know I am weird) :D and have all this at once. Its relaxing 

10. Anything to add? What else do you do during me-time?
Have to be blanket, fluffy cosy socks, my laptop and phone.... and junk food... mainly take away like Chinese. Just to do what its feel right or don't do anything  :) Its me time so I don't have rules ;)

                                                        Loads of love
                                                        Xxx Kat xxX

The Christmas Tag

I saw this post on so many blogs and as Christmas is fast approaching, I thought I'd give it a try. Plus I would like to share piccy of my Christmas tree :)

1. What is your favourite Christmas Movie/s?
It has to be 'Love Actually'  and Harry Potter- I know its not really Christmassy but I do love it :)

2. Do you open your presents on Christmas Eve or Christmas morning?
When I was little it was Christmas Eve but my work will not let me or my bf celebrate xmas till Christmas evening. So guess this year will be around 8pm

3. Do you have a favourite Christmas memory?
I cannot pick one moment. I loved all Christmas, watching all day movies, fun with my family and messing around with my sis

4. Favourite festive food?
Christmas dinner and Christmas sweets :) ( well I regret all of it by January when I have to go to gym tho )

5. Favourite Christmas gift?
I really can't think of one that I would be able to say its my favorite. I love all gifts, but prefer to give presents :)I am always nervous when family watching me to unwrap presents..sounds weird I know :D

6. Favourite Christmas scent?
Anything with cinnamon :) and ginger bread

7. Do you have any Christmas Eve traditions?
 My family always go to Midnight mass in the evening. And we usually eat so much food that we cannot move for days. But how I mention we celebrate on Christmas Eve

8. What tops your tree?
Gold star this year. But we usually buying each year something new.

9. As a kid what was the one (crazy, wild, extravagant) gift you always asked for but never received?
Not extravagant but I always wanted that plastic kitchen where you can play to be a chef.
Or Massive Barbie House :D 

10. What's the best part about Christmas for you?
I would like to say family but I live abroad and see them usually in January. I spend Christmas working and with my other half. Have to when we get home after work and have nice food, presents and cuddles on sofa watching some Christmas movie.

I tag anyone who hasn't done this tag yet - I'd love to see your responses.

Loads of love
Xxx Kat xxX

Monday, 15 December 2014

Bored..Broken ankle/wanna do YouTube

Me being clumsy and idiotic I managed to brake my ankle. Especially before xmas is not a great time to be stuck home. NOT FUN...all my friends going out and having amazing time.
I feeling like an sofa bug. Being lazy is okay for little bit but not for longer period of the time.

On positive site, I have loads of time to catch up on blogs, YouTube. I have been thinking if I should start do vids but feel like I am not even close to be ready. I am worried about comments and people being be real-loads of them are. And I am not professional or anything close. i just like to blabber about my thoughts.
I wanted to do Primark Haul some time back but wasn't sure if its okay. I did record that vid and everything. Its just wasn't really great. Not next to other girls.

Well maybe I will do it one day. Who knows. True is its really makes me wonder and wanted to try it :)
What about you all? Hope your xmas being better as mine... tho sofa isn't that bad all the time :D